Pink Mermaid Tulle Sweetheart Pleats Prom Dress


Product Overview

An excellent and good dress helps you to stand out from the crowds or to gather from all angles. It states your personality in terms of color and choice. That’s it is necessary to choose the dress which should be according to modern and trendy. The present dress is one of those beautiful dresses. It is in the shape of the mermaid silhouette. Floor-length, hemline, and sweat heart neckline are the current indications of modern style. Sleeveless sleeve style and laced up, back style are among the elements which increase its beauty to a remarkable extent. Overall, it is the masterpiece of the fabric industry.

The dress does not include any accessories in the picture,such as wraps/jackets,gloves,veil,handbag,etc.
You may contact us to order the accessories separately.Processing
Tailoring Time: Normally 10-18 Business Days.
Shipping Time: Normally 2-8 Business Days.
Receiving Time=Tailoring Time+Shipping Time
We ship products all over the world every day..

Hemline:floor length
Shown Color:pink
Sleeve Style:sleeveless
Back Style:lace up
Embellishment:appliques pleats